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UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 4/56 (7%) demons journey objectified City travel
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 710: “Demons” in Dreams and Out-of-Body Travel. How Not to Program Your Psychic Explorations
– Session 710 October 7, 1974 9:31 P.M. Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(“I heard Seth’s voice, very loud and powerful, as I lay asleep in bed last night [Saturday]. This was the first time I’ve had such an experience. The voice was coming from the area of the room next door or just beyond, but also from above; like out of the sky or something. It wasn’t speaking through anyone — that is, it wasn’t coming from inside my head or through me as it always has so far, even in the dream state. I tried to understand what was said. The words didn’t seem to be directed at me, particularly, but just to be there. It seemed that Seth was really laying it on somebody. At first I thought he was angry, but then I realized I was interpreting the power of the voice that way. This wasn’t part of a dream, but I awakened almost at once as I tried to make out the words. Subjectively, I wasn’t aware of Seth’s presence in any way. The sound was like a supervoice; maybe like Nature speaking, or something, not the way a person would speak.”)

[... 32 paragraphs ...]

(“I’m in between,” Jane said after a pause, and in her “own” voice, “I don’t know what’s coming. I’m sort of half in trance and half out….” She lit a cigarette.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

They were not only his private religious beliefs, but those of his contemporaries generally — and (loudly:) the foundations upon which your present civilization was made. He had to find the courage to encounter those old beliefs boldly, and he is finally doing so. I will have more to say to him in the dream state this evening, and I will shortly explain his experience with my voice.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(11:46 P.M. All Jane could say the next morning was that she had no conscious memory of any contact Seth might have made with her in the dream state. Looking ahead a bit: In tomorrow night’s session, though, Seth does explain her weekend sleep-state encounter with his voice.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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