2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:710 AND stemmed:thought)

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

(“I heard Seth’s voice, very loud and powerful, as I lay asleep in bed last night [Saturday]. This was the first time I’ve had such an experience. The voice was coming from the area of the room next door or just beyond, but also from above; like out of the sky or something. It wasn’t speaking through anyone — that is, it wasn’t coming from inside my head or through me as it always has so far, even in the dream state. I tried to understand what was said. The words didn’t seem to be directed at me, particularly, but just to be there. It seemed that Seth was really laying it on somebody. At first I thought he was angry, but then I realized I was interpreting the power of the voice that way. This wasn’t part of a dream, but I awakened almost at once as I tried to make out the words. Subjectively, I wasn’t aware of Seth’s presence in any way. The sound was like a supervoice; maybe like Nature speaking, or something, not the way a person would speak.”)

Your material reality is formed through joint cooperation. Period. Your own ideas, objectified, become a part of the physical environment. In this vast cooperative venture the thoughts and feelings of each living being take root, so to speak, springing up as objectified data. I said (in the 708th session) that each system of reality uses its own codified system. This effectively provides a sort of framework. Generally speaking, then, you agree to objectify certain inner data privately and en masse at any given “time.” In those terms the airplane objectified the inner idea of flying in “your” time, and not in A.D. 1500, for example.

If you are in a world not yours, with your consciousness drifting, you are in free gear, so to speak, your feelings and thoughts flowing into experience. You have to learn how to distinguish your psychological state from the reality in which you find yourself, if you want to maintain your alertness and explore that environment. Many of my readers find themselves in just such situations while they are sleeping. While still dreaming they seem to come suddenly awake in an environment that appears to make no sense. Demons may be chasing them. The world may seem topsy-turvy. The dead and the living may meet and speak.

Any exploration of inner reality must necessarily involve a journey through the psyche, and these effects can be thought of as atmospheric conditions, natural at a certain stage, through which you pass as you continue. Period.

UR2 Appendix 15: (For Session 710) gurus untruth Eastern mystical philosophy

2. From any of Seth’s books — let alone Jane’s — I could cite a number of comments that question much of the thinking behind different Eastern systems of religious thought. [...]

[...] No one is free of certain minimum physical needs or of self-oriented thought, I remarked to Jane recently, and each nation strives to expand its technological base no matter what its philosophy may be. [...]