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UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 7/126 (6%) sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 4: Explorations. A Study of the Psyche As It Is Related to Private Life and the Experience of the Species. Probable Realities As a Course of Personal Experience. Personal Experience As It Is Related to “Past” and “Future” Civilizations of Man
– Session 708: Consciousness, Code Systems, and Earthly Cycles. The Body’s Healing Abilities. Practice Element 10.
– Session 708 September 30, 1974 8:58 P.M. Monday

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

Again, all of these code systems5 are interrelated. In the same way, the private psyche contains within it hints and glimpses of other alternate realities. These operate as secondary codes, so to speak, beneath the existence that you officially recognize. Such secondary systems can tell you much about the potentials of human reality, those that are latent but can at any time be “raised” to primary importance. Such secondary systems also point toward the probable developments possible for individuals or species.

All of the probabilities practically possible in human development are therefore present to some extent or another in each individual. Any biological or spiritual advancement that you might imagine will of course not come from any outside agency, but from within the heritage of consciousness made flesh. Generally, those alive in this century chose a particular kind of orientation. The species chose to specialize in certain kinds of physical manipulation, to devote its energies in certain directions. Those directions have brought forth a reality unique in its own fashion. Man has not driven himself down a blind alley, in other words. He has been studying the nature of his consciousness — using it as if it were apart from the rest of nature, and therefore seeing nature and the world in a particular light.6 That light has finally made him feel isolated, alone, and to some extent relatively powerless (intently).

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 9:16.) There are cycles in which consciousness forms earthly experience, and maps out historical sequences. So there have been other species of mankind beside your own, each handling physical data in its own way. Some have taken other directions, therefore, than the one that you have chosen. Even those paths are latent or secondary, however, within your own private and mass experience. They reside within you, presenting you with alternate realities7 that you may or may not choose privately or en masse, as you prefer.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

It is equipped, as an animal is, to perform beautifully in its environment. You would call it mindless, since it would seem not to reason. For the purpose of this discussion alone, imagine a body with a fully operating body consciousness, not diseased for any reason or defective by birth, but one without the overriding ego-directed consciousness that you have. There have been species of such a nature. In your terms they would seem to be like sleepwalkers, yet their physical abilities surpassed yours. They were indeed as agile as animals — nor were they unconscious.10 They simply dealt with a different kind of awareness.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 10:43, during a strong delivery.) Here consciousness decides to leave the flesh, to accept an official14 death. You have already chosen a context however, and it seems that that context is inevitable. It appears, then, that the body will last so long and no longer. The fact remains that you have chosen the kind of consciousness that identifies with the flesh for a certain period of time. Other species of consciousness — of a different order entirely, and with a different rhythm of experience — would think of a life in your terms as a day, and have no trouble bridging that gap between apparent life, death, and new life.

Some individuals find themselves with memories of other lives, which are other days to the soul. Such persons then become aware of a greater consciousness reaching over those gaps, and realize that earthly experience can contain [among other things] a knowledge of existence in more than one body. Inherently then consciousness, affiliated with the flesh, can indeed carry such comprehensions. The mind of man as you know it shows at least the potential ability for handling a kind of memory with which you are usually not acquainted. This means that even biologically the species is equipped to deal with different sequences of time, while still manipulating within one particular time scheme. This also implies a far greater psychological richness — quite possible, again, within corporal reality — in which many levels of relationships can be handled. Such inner knowledge is inherent in the cells, and in ordinary terms of evolution is quite possible as a “future” development.

[... 43 paragraphs ...]

10. This material immediately reminded me that before the session tonight Jane and I had discussed Seth’s promise to answer the two questions I’d posed for him before sessions 698–99, in Volume 1. The question of interest here (I summarized them both in the notes following the 699th session) had to do with my inability to comprehend an “unconscious” species state. Not that I thought Seth was going out of his way to deal with such concepts tonight, but by the time he was through with his material on the sleepwalkers, I thought he’d considered at least one possible facet of my inquiry.

[... 39 paragraphs ...]

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