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UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) 1/175 (1%) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 12: Seth’s Ideas on Evolution and Related Subjects. A Discussion of Evolution as Seen by Science, Religion, and Philosophy
– (For Session 705)

[... 59 paragraphs ...]

(I’m projecting my own ideas here, but I think that in all of its complexity DNA has motives for its physical existence [as mediated through Seth’s CU’s, or units of consciousness] that considerably enlarge upon its assigned function as the “master molecule” of life as we know it. Deoxyribonucleic acid may exist within its host, whether man, plant, or animal — or bacteria or virus — in cooperative altruistic ventures with its carrier that are quite beside purely survival ones. Some of those goals, such as the exploration of concepts like the moment point [see Note 11], or probabilities [and reincarnation16], really defy our ordinary conscious perception. In terms we can more easily grasp, social relationships within and between species may be explored, starting at that biochemical level and working “upward.” Basically, then, an overall genetics of cooperation becomes a truer long-run concept than the postulated deadly struggle for survival of the fittest, whether between man and molecules, say, or among members of the same species. Once again we have consciousness seeking to know itself in as many ways as possible, while being aware all of the time, in those terms, of the forthcoming “death” of its medium of expression, DNA, and of DNA’s host, or “physical machine.”

[... 114 paragraphs ...]

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