1 result for (book:ur1 AND session:703 AND stemmed:belief)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(With emphasis:) Now in your framework of beliefs the psychiatrists and the doctors are helpful. They know more than you do about the techniques upon which you all agree. While the society accepts these techniques, then you are to some extent dependent upon them, and you had better think twice before you let them go. But in greater, more vital issues, the sick doctor does not know as much about health as an “uneducated, untrained,” but healthy person — and I am speaking in quite practical terms. The person who is healthy understands the dynamics of health. In your framework it seems that his or her understanding can be of little practical value to you if you are, for instance, unhealthy. But a true medical profession would be, literally, a health profession. It would seek out people who were healthy and learn from them how to promote health, and not how to diagram disease.
This is on the most surface level, however. A true healing, or health profession, would deal intimately with the powers of the psyche in healing the body, and with the interrelationship among the desires, beliefs, and activities of the conscious mind and its effects upon the cellular behavior.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
The bulk of the material in Personal Reality concerns the nature of beliefs, and the physical and mental environments that are created, both individually and en masse, as a result of those beliefs. It follows, then, that a number of the sessions in that book either deal with health and illness, or with subjects that approach those topics in various ways. Chapters 16 and 17 in particular contain material on what Seth calls natural hypnosis, and on Western medicine, physicians, the suggestions associated with medical insurance and “health” literature, diet, childbirth, hospitals, natural death, good and evil, and so forth.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]