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UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 14/54 (26%) spin electrons technology biofeedback science
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 3: The Private Probable Man, The Private Probable Woman, The Species in Probabilities, And Blueprints for Realities
– Session 702: Objective Science and a Loving Technology. Consciousness, Subatomic Particles, and the Spin of Electrons
– Session 702 June 10, 1974 9:19 P.M. Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(This will be the first time Seth has appeared on television since we did some promotional work for The Seth Material after its publication in 1970. At that time Jane spoke for Seth on two occasions from cities in the East. Reactions were excellent; she still receives an occasional call or letter about one of those shows in particular. I might add that since Seth launched “Unknown Reality in February of this year, Jane and I have fulfilled another television commitment, and that she was the subject of a lengthy radio interview. But the pressures of work, plus our own conservative attitudes about personal publicity, have led us to pass by other such opportunities.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

So-called objective science gives you a picture, a model, that has served well enough in its own fashion, enabling you to travel to the moon, for example, and to advance in a technology that for a time you set your hearts upon. In the framework of objective science as it now exists, however, even the technology will come up against a stone wall. Even as a means, objective science is only helpful for a while, because it will constantly run up against deeper inner realities that are necessarily shunted aside and ignored simply because of its method and attitude.2 No objective science or splendid technology alone will keep even one man or woman alive, for example, if that individual has decided to leave the flesh, or finds no joy in daily life.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I am not making a prediction here. I am simply pointing out one probability that exists. There have indeed been civilizations upon your planet3 that understood as well as you, and without your kind of technology, the workings of the planets, the positioning of stars — people who even foresaw “later” global changes. They used a mental physics. There were men before you who journeyed to the moon, and who brought back data quite as “scientific” and pertinent. There were those who understood the “origin” of your solar system far better than you. Some of these civilizations did not need spaceships.4 Instead, highly trained men combining the abilities of dream-art scientists and mental physicists cooperated in journeys not only through time but through space. There are ancient maps drawn from a 200-mile-or-more vantage point — these meticulously completed on return from such journeys.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Now, however, we had time to just touch upon the data involving electrons when Jane told me that she was suddenly aware of more information on the same subject. Seth was ready. “I’ll do the best I can with this,” she said, as she took off her glasses. Resume at 10:22.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In as simple a language as possible, and to some extent in your terms, the electron’s spin determines time “sequences” from your viewpoint. In those terms, then, a reversed spin is a reversed time motion. There is much you cannot observe. There is much that is extremely difficult to explain, simply because your verbal structure alone presupposes certain assumptions. Electrons, however, spin in many directions at once,6 an effect impossible for you to perceive. You can only theorize about it. There are “electromagnetic momentums thus achieved and maintained,” certain stabilities that operate and maintain their own integrity, though these may not be “equal” at all portions of the spin. There are equalities set up “between” the inequalities.

Time, in your terms then, is spinning newly backward as surely as it is spinning newly (the telephone began to ring) — ignore it — into the future. And it is spinning outward and inward into all probabilities simultaneously.

(10:34. The ringing persisted for almost two minutes I found the situation very irritating — especially since I’d forgotten to turn off the telephone’s bell before the session. If there was one time when we didn’t need an interruption, I thought, it was while Jane was dealing with the present kind of material. Yet she continued to speak for Seth:)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Using conventional reincarnational terms, I half jokingly asked Jane if she’d ever been a dream-art scientist, say, or a mental physicist. She said she didn’t know. [We hardly ever talk about whatever personal involvement either of us might have had with reincarnation, incidentally, regardless of whether any such lives would be based upon Seth’s ideas of simultaneous time and probabilities, or upon time as a series of successive moments.] Jane did know that the rest of the session would be for her, though. She was right; Seth came through at 10:55, then said good night at 11:30 P.M.

(A note: Jane’s very rich and vivid dream series is still underway, and she continues to keep detailed records. At times the paperwork involved keeps her busy for a couple of hours a day. She recorded five dreams last night, for instance. I last mentioned her recent dreams in Appendix 11, for Session 698. That appendix contains excerpts from The Wonderworks — material which Jane wrote last month while in an altered state of consciousness, and which was at least partly inspired by her dream series. In some of the deleted portions of these sessions, Seth has rather extensively discussed Jane’s dream work and related activity. He did so again tonight. It’s important to note here that Jane’s dream connected experiences include some new, and very exciting, psychic developments for her.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

4. In the 40th session for April 1, 1964, Seth had something to say about the challenges space travel will present to our own civilization: “… you are severely hampered as far as space travel is concerned, by the time elements involved … In your terms it will simply take you too long to get where you want to go. Scientists will begin to look for easier methods. They are even now being forced to consider the possibilities of telepathy as a means of communication, and they will be forced further and further along these lines.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

6. Seth, in the 681st session: “Atoms can move in more directions than one at once.” In Note 7 for that session I wrote that as an artist my intuitional reaction to that statement was to associate the multidirectional ability of the atom with Seth’s notions of simultaneous time and probabilities. Since electrons are the particles or processes moving about the nucleus of the atom, I now make the same association for them. Thus, according to Seth, we have a most complicated and profound dance of units or essences — behavior not really amenable to translation in words.

In the 688th session, in Section 2, see the material on time and the backward and forward, inward and outward motion of the CU’s, or units of consciousness.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Time reversal or particle symmetry, the equivalence of space and time, is a tenet of relativistic physics and quantum theory. In the material I have on file on electron spin itself, though, I haven’t found any discussion of Seth’s ideas of: (a) a reversed electron spin and a consequent time reversal, or (b) electrons spinning in many directions at once (even if we could grasp such a situation). Such concepts in association with electron spin may be dealt with in the literature of physics, but are unfamiliar to me or outside my limited understanding. I’m sure also that in ordinary terms Jane knows nothing of them.

Instead, I’d say that Seth’s material after break grew out of her own intuitive, mystical understanding that space and time are interwound.

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