1 result for (book:ur1 AND session:701 AND stemmed:belief)

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 2/49 (4%) Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 3: The Private Probable Man, The Private Probable Woman, The Species in Probabilities, And Blueprints for Realities
– Session 701: The True Mental Physicist. Animals and Science. Practice Element 8
– Session 701 June 3, 1974 9:17 P.M. Monday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause.) The outsideness of the physical world is connected, then, with a multidimensional “insideness.” That exterior world is thrust outward, however, and projected into reality in line with your conscious desires, beliefs, and intent. It is important that you remember this position of the conscious mind as you think of it. Each physical experience is unique, and while the energy for it and the creation of it come from within, the pristine, private, and yet shared quality of that experience could not exist in the same way (more emphatically) were it not so exteriorized.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(With amusement:) The wrong kinds of questions are the right ones for you, however, in your civilization and with your beliefs, because you want to stay within that structure to that extent. Only now are you beginning to question your methods, and even your questions.5 The true physicist would be able to ask his questions from his usual state of consciousness, and then turn that consciousness in other directions where he himself would be led into adventures-with-reality, in which the questions would themselves be changed. And then the answers would be felt.

[... 28 paragraphs ...]

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