1 result for (book:ur1 AND session:701 AND stemmed:"inner sens" AND stemmed:exercis)

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 11/49 (22%) Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 3: The Private Probable Man, The Private Probable Woman, The Species in Probabilities, And Blueprints for Realities
– Session 701: The True Mental Physicist. Animals and Science. Practice Element 8
– Session 701 June 3, 1974 9:17 P.M. Monday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The exteriorization has great purpose and meaning, then, and brings forth a different kind of expression. Though I may emphasize the importance of inner reality in this book, therefore, I am in no way denying the great validity and purpose of earthly experience. Any exercises in this book should help you enrich that experience, and understand its framework and nature. None of the exercises should be used to try to “escape” the connotations of your own earthly reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Give us a moment … While connected with your own civilization, the man Einstein1 came closest perhaps in this regard, for he was able to quite naturally identify himself with various “functions” of the universe. He was able to listen to the inner voice of matter. He was intuitively and emotionally led to his discoveries. He leaned against time, and felt it give and wobble.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Using your conscious mind as a threshold, however, you can discover still more. Figuratively speaking, stand where you are. Think of that moment of conscious awareness as a path. Imagine many other such paths, all converging; again, imaginatively take one of them in your mind and follow it. Accept what you experience uncritically. To some small extent you are “altering” your consciousness. (Half humorously:) Of course, you are not “altering” it at all. You are simply using it in a different fashion, and focusing it — however briefly — in another direction. This is the simplest of exercises.

Suppose that you stood in one spot all of your physical life, and that you had to do this because you had been told that you must. In such a case you would only see what was directly before you. Your peripheral vision might give you hints of what was to each side, or you might hear sounds that came from behind. Objects — birds, for example — might flash by you, and you might wonder at their motion, significance, and origin. If you suddenly turned an inch to the right or the left you would not be altering your body, but simply changing its position, increasing your overall picture, turning very cautiously from your initial position. So the little exercise above is like that.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Give us a moment … There are inner structures within matter. These are swirls of energy. They have more purposes than one. The structures are formed by organizations of consciousness, or CU’s. You have the most intimate knowledge of the nature of a cell, for example, or of an atom. They compose your flesh. There is, in certain terms, a continuum of consciousness there of which your present physical life is a part. You are in certain kinds of communication and communion with your own cells, and at certain levels of consciousness you know this. A true physicist would learn to reach that level of consciousness at will. There were pictures drawn of cellular structures long before any technological methods of seeing them were available, in your terms.

Give us a moment … There are shapes and formations that appear when your eyes are closed that are perfect replicas of atoms, molecules, and cells, but you do not recognize them as such. There are also paintings — so-called abstracts — unconsciously produced, many by amateurs, that are excellent representations of such inner organizations.4

Ruburt has at times been able to throw his consciousness into small physical instruments (computer components, for instance), and to perceive their inner activity at the level of, say, electrons. Given time, in your terms, a knowledge of the structure of so-called particles could be quite as clearly understood by using such techniques. Now, however, your terms would not match. Yet your terms are precisely what imprison you, and lead you to the “wrong” kinds of questions.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Very emphatically:) It is absurd to believe that you can learn something about consciousness by destroying it. It is absurd to believe that you can learn one iota about the inner reality of life when your search leads you to destroy it. Destruction, you see, in your terms (underlined twice), presupposes a misunderstanding of life to begin with.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

In a way you are simply overexuberant, like children playing a new game. You will discover that at best you are using children’s blocks. Some of you have already come to that conclusion. As this book continues, I will indeed outline some beginning proposals as to ways in which you can use your consciousness to understand the nature of reality, and to make some of those inner blueprints clear.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

In the 45th session for April 20, 1964, I find Seth saying: “Einstein traveled within and trusted his own intuitions, and used his inner senses. He would have discovered much more had he been able to trust his intuitions even more, and able to leave more of the so-called scientific proof of his theories to lesser men, to give himself more inner freedom.”

The inner senses, as described by Seth, are listed in Chapter 19 of The Seth Material.

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