1 result for (book:ur1 AND session:698 AND stemmed:belief)

UR1 Section 3: Session 698 May 20, 1974 2/31 (6%) dream lackadaisical semiconstruction world useless
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 3: The Private Probable Man, The Private Probable Woman, The Species in Probabilities, And Blueprints for Realities
– Session 698: The Dream World, Dream Artists, and the Purpose of Dreaming
– Session 698 May 20, 1974 9:28 P.M. Monday

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Because you have in the past convinced yourselves that the conscious mind must of necessity be cut off from inner reality, you think that it must be alienated from the dream state. Following such beliefs, you find yourselves thinking of dreaming as chaotic, unreasonable, and as completely divorced from normal conscious direction, purpose, or function. It often seems that sleep is almost a small death, and psychologists have compared dreaming with controlled insanity.5 You have so divorced your waking and dreaming experience that it seems you have separate “lives,” and that there is little connection between your waking and dreaming hours. The rich tapestry of probable actions from which you choose your official life becomes just as invisible. This is quite needless.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:56. See the notes at the beginning of the session. As stated, Seth returned after break with a discussion of the reasons for Jane’s excellent state of relaxation. Most of his material is deleted here, but I can write that her situation was tied in to her work with the challenges presented by her physical symptoms [as described in Note 8 for the 679th session, in Section 1]. As she comes to understand her own belief systems more and more, Jane very gradually continues her physical improvement. In the personal part of this session, then, Seth explained how her very beneficial state of ease “now began in a dream state last night, was further accelerated this morning, and further so in the relaxation just before the session…. The [recent] dreams also provide additional assurance; and while dreaming, body states are altered — something physicians do not recognize.”

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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