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UR1 Appendix 10: (For Session 692) 1/11 (9%) gullible charlatan fraudulent yearning collided
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 10: Seth on Jane’s Attitudes Toward the Gullible and Skeptical in Our Society
– (For Session 692)

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(During the two weeks immediately following the 691st session, Jane kept working with the project involving the missing person; see the notes for that session. Among other things she took part in a series of lengthy telephone exchanges, usually late at night. She scored some remarkable “hits” psychically and made some errors — yet she ended up thinking that her demonstrated abilities often collided with what our society teaches us is possible in human activity. Jane told me that at times she felt a distinct yearning for understanding by the others involved in the affair; yet, because of her participation in it, her confidence in knowing what she can do was strengthened significantly. And Seth, very briefly commenting upon the search while it was still in progress, remarked to an out-of-town group of visitors that Jane was endeavoring to use her psychic abilities on her own; and that the assurance she was gaining through her efforts would be much more valuable to her than any she might derive from Seth himself “doing all the work.”

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