2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:690 AND stemmed:now)

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

The CU’s, forming the structure later in its entirety, form all the atoms, molecules, cells, and organs that make up your world. Land changes and alterations of species are conditions brought about in line with overall patterns that involve all species, or land and water masses, at any given “time.” There is a great organization of consciousness involved on such occasions — sometimes creative cataclysms, in which, again from its own precognitive information, nature brings about those situations best suited to its needs. Such biological precognition is firmly based in the chromosomes and genes, and reflected in the cells. As mentioned earlier (in the 684tb session), the present corporal structure of any physical body of any kind is maintained only because of the cells’ innate precognitive abilities. To the self the future, of course, is not experienced as future. It is simply one of the emerging conditions of an experienced Now (you had better capitalize that). The cells’ practically felt “Now” includes, then, what you would think of as past and future, as simple conditions of Nowness. They maintain the body’s structure in your poised time only by manipulating themselves in a rich medium of probabilities. There is a constant give-and-take of communication between the cell as you know it in present time, and the cell as it “was” in the past, or “will be.”

Now: Realize that for now I am emphasizing your Western civilization.

Many of the species that share your world bear within themselves latent abilities that are even now developing. Men and animals will again meet upon the earth, with the old understanding in yet a new situation.7 There are no closed systems, and in deep biological orders each species knows what another is doing, and its place in the overall scheme that has been chosen by each. You are perceived in one way or another by all those inhabitants of earth you may consider beneath you. Probable man is emerging now, but also in relationship with his entire natural environment, in which cooperation is a main force. You are cooperating with nature whether or not you realize it, for you are a part of it.

UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690) Sumari sexuality song passivity female

Now I am simply giving you a brief idea of what is involved, and I expect each of you to follow through in your own way, to see the connections and think about them. And now, before you, what do you see? [...]

[...] To allow yourself what is now, in your terms, a luxury of passivity, you must have confidence in the nature of your own reality and strength. [...]

[...] You have associated the word “female” with the unconscious, while you have been working toward what you now think of as an egotistically based consciousness. [...]