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UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 4/60 (7%) units propensities unpredictability probable selection
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 1: You and the “Unknown” Reality
– Session 682: Basic Units of Consciousness (CU’s). Immortality and Probabilities
– Session 682 February 13, 1974 9:27 P.M. Wednesday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

It is aware energy, identified within itself as itself, not “personified” but awareized. It is therefore the source of all other kinds of consciousness, and the varieties of its activity are infinite. It combines with others of its kind, forming then units of consciousness — as, mentioned often, atoms and molecules combine.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(10:06.) These units of consciousness do not have human characteristics, of course. They do, however, possess their own “inclinations,” leanings, propensities — and perhaps “propensities” comes closest to the term I want. I do not want you to think of them as miniature people. Nevertheless, neither are they clumps of “idle” energy. They are vitalized, aware, charged, with all the qualifications of being.

[... 29 paragraphs ...]

3. A note added later: Of course, as soon as Seth mentioned units of consciousness in “Unknown” Reality I thought of the electromagnetic energy units (EE units, as he called them) that he’d discussed in 1969 and 1971. See sessions 504 through 506 in the Appendix of The Seth Material, and the 581st session in Chapter 20 of Seth Speaks, respectively. In the latter material he used several evocative analogies to describe his EE units: “… basically emanations rising from consciousness … the invisible breath of consciousness … The emanations are actually emotional tones … The units are just beneath the range of physical matter.”

However, nowhere in tonight’s 682nd session does Seth refer to EE units by name — and for a reason, as will be seen late in the next session. In his earlier material he left himself plenty of room to add to his data on such units of consciousness. “They are one form [my emphasis] that emotional energy takes,” he told us in the 504th session. And in the 581st session: “There are many ranges and great varieties of such EE units, all existing beyond your perceivable reach. To lump them together in such a way, however, is misleading, for within all of this there is great order.”

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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