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UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 17/60 (28%) units propensities unpredictability probable selection
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 1: You and the “Unknown” Reality
– Session 682: Basic Units of Consciousness (CU’s). Immortality and Probabilities
– Session 682 February 13, 1974 9:27 P.M. Wednesday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

It is aware energy, identified within itself as itself, not “personified” but awareized. It is therefore the source of all other kinds of consciousness, and the varieties of its activity are infinite. It combines with others of its kind, forming then units of consciousness — as, mentioned often, atoms and molecules combine.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

So I prefer, here at least, to speak of these units of consciousness instead. (Long pause.) Their nature is the vitalizing force behind everything in your physical universe, and others as well. These units can indeed appear in several places at once, and without going through space, in your terms. Literally now, these basic units of consciousness can be in all places at once. They are in all places at once. They will not be recognized because they will always appear as something else.

Of course they move faster than light. There are millions of them in one atom — many millions. Each of these units is aware of the reality of all others, and influences all others. In your terms these units can move forward or backward in time, but they can also move into thresholds of time with which you are not familiar.4

All probabilities are probed and experienced, and all possible universes created from these units. Therefore, there are realities in which the endless probabilities of one given event are probed, and all experience grouped about that venture.

There are systems in which a moment,5 from your standpoint, is made to endure for the life of a universe. I do not mean that a moment is simply stretched, or that time is slowed down alone, but that all the experiences possible within a moment become realities within that framework. Such systems have little to do with you in any practical manner, nor is such information given to dwarf your idea of what your own consciousness is. It is important, however, that you realize the fact that there is more creativity and variety in an inner reality than you ever physically perceive.

(10:06.) These units of consciousness do not have human characteristics, of course. They do, however, possess their own “inclinations,” leanings, propensities — and perhaps “propensities” comes closest to the term I want. I do not want you to think of them as miniature people. Nevertheless, neither are they clumps of “idle” energy. They are vitalized, aware, charged, with all the qualifications of being.

All psychological structures then are composed of such organizations, however long-or short-lived in your terms. They are innately endowed with the desire or propensity for growth and creative organization. They are not found alone, then, in isolation. Since these units of consciousness exist at once, they are aware of all the organized self-structures of which they are a part. To this extent, all probable realities are connected in that basic manner. These units grow out of themselves. Since I have told you that in your terms your past, present, and future exist at once, these units are constantly emerging out of your now-point from both the future and the past.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

All matter is based upon the units mentioned, with their unpredictability and their propensity for exploring all probabilities. Even your atomic structure, then, is poised between probabilities. If this is true, then obviously “you” are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself — and this portion you protect as your identity (underlined). If you think of it as simply a focus taken by “your” greater identity, then you will be able to follow what I am saying without feeling puny by contrast, or lost.6 The focus that you have is indeed inviolate.

I have often said that even in your lifetimes, all probable variations of any one event occur, but I never went much further. With your focus, it seems that you have a line of identity from birth to death. Looking back at any point, you are sure that the “self” of ten years ago is the self of today, though perhaps changed in certain respects.

There is, of course, no single-line kind of development at all. In the first place, as you know, your life is at once, though you experience, practically, a life-to-death sequence — Ruburt’s living area in Adventures.7 Every probable event that could happen to you, happens. I gave you one or two small examples of your mother’s probable existences. Think in physical terms of the generations going out from one seed into the ages.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(10:36.) Propensity is a selection of significance, an inclination toward the formation of selected experience. This applies on all levels — atomic and psychological — and to biological stimulus and mental intent.

These basic units move toward organizations then of a selective nature. Having an unpredictable field to draw from, they select activity according to those significances. Period. Various kinds of significances are the result of the units’ individual natures. The body that you have is a probable body. It is the result of one line of “development” that could be taken by your particular earth personality in flesh. All of the other possible lines of development also occur, however. They occur at once, but each one simultaneously affects every other. There is actually far greater interaction here than you realize, because you are not used to looking for it. The harder you work to maintain the official accepted idea of the self in conventional terms, the more of course you block out any kind of unpredictability.

Because of the great organizing nature of these basic units, there are also psychological structures that are quite capable of holding their own identities while being aware of any given number of probable selves. Life after death has great meaning in your reality, because death is a part of it. Your greater reality obviously transcends both your births and your deaths. The idea of one universe alone is basically nonsensical. Your reality must be seen in its relationship to others.8 Otherwise you are always caught in questions like “How did the universe begin?” or “When will it end?” All systems are constantly being created.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:55. Jane was quickly out of another good trance; once again it had been a long one. Her delivery had been fast at times. “I knew what I was saying when I said it, but I’ve forgotten it all now …” She paused, then continued in a way I thought somewhat unusual for her: “We’re doing the best we can with what abilities we’ve got. You wonder what this material’s application is — what good does it do to know it?”

(“Well,” I said, “once it’s incorporated into your consciousness you’ll put it to use like you would any other information. It’s certainly enlarged my own ideas of what human beings are all about, for instance — their motivations, their behavior — ”

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

However, nowhere in tonight’s 682nd session does Seth refer to EE units by name — and for a reason, as will be seen late in the next session. In his earlier material he left himself plenty of room to add to his data on such units of consciousness. “They are one form [my emphasis] that emotional energy takes,” he told us in the 504th session. And in the 581st session: “There are many ranges and great varieties of such EE units, all existing beyond your perceivable reach. To lump them together in such a way, however, is misleading, for within all of this there is great order.”

4. Again, see the 581st session in Chapter 20 of Seth Speaks for material on EE units and postulated faster-than-light particles like the tachyon. (It’s been stated in theory, incidentally, that although tachyons themselves travel faster than light, their radiation doesn’t. This radiation, then, the carrier of all of the information we could gather about tachyons [or similar particles], would be observable by us.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

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