2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:681 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
(Jane finds her “massive feelings,” as she calls them, not only instructive psychically, but exhilarating indeed when they encompass revelatory or transcendent states of consciousness. One day in April, 1973, she had a fine series of encounters with massiveness, many of them embodying those extra qualities; see her own account of the whole adventure in the notes for the 653rd session in Chapter 13 of Personal Reality.
I am rather surprised that Ruburt hit upon this one at this time, as it is usually a rather difficult ability to attain…. Ruburt experienced this on a physical level, trying to translate inner data into sensation that could be recognized by the outer senses. This seventh inner sense represents an extension of the self, a widening of its conscious comprehension … or a pulling together into … a minute capsule that enables the self to enter other fields.
(And from the 40th session:) The tissue capsule is actually an energy field boundary … At the same time it protects the whole self from certain radiations which do not here concern you. No living consciousness exists on any plane without this tissue capsule enclosing it … To some inhabitants of other planes [realities] that have access to your plane, all that can be seen of you is this capsule, since such inhabitants have had no experience in your particular type of camouflage [physical] construction. Therefore your camouflage patterns are invisible to them, but the tissue capsules are not.1
“The universe as you think of it contains innumerable planes, all taking up, in your terms, the same amount of space. The forms within these planes are in constant motion, as are the planes themselves. There is a continual exchange of energy and vitality, in other words, of actual atoms and molecules between one plane and another … the interaction and movement of even one plane through another results in effects that will be perceived in various ways … as necessary distortive boundaries, in some cases resembling a flow as if a plane were surrounded by water, or in other cases a charge as of electricity. But on each plane the effects … of this interchange of energy will take on the camouflage [physical appearance] of the particular plane.
[...] In your reality, the behavior of your consciousness and of your molecules are highly connected. Your type of consciousness presupposes a molecular consciousness, and your kind of consciousness is inherent in molecular consciousness — inherent within your system, but not basically predictable. [...]
(10:00.) Such endless creativity can seem so dazzling that the individual would appear lost within it,2 yet consciousness forms its own organizations and psychic interactions at all levels. Any consciousness automatically tries to express itself in all probable directions, and does so. [...]
[...] (A one-minute pause.) Give us a moment … (A one-minute pause.) Consciousness, to be fully free, had to be endowed with unpredictability. [...] This basic unpredictability then follows through on all levels of consciousness and being. [...]
In your terms, consciousness is able to hold its own sense of identity by accepting one probability, one physical life, for example, and maintaining its identity through a lifetime. [...] The consciousness also learns to handle alternate moments as it “matures.” [...]