2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:681 AND stemmed:bodi)

UR1 Section 1: Session 681 February 11, 1974 unpredictability predictable probable atoms massive

(Slowly:) I told you once that there were pulses of activity in which you blinked off and on — this applying even to atomic and subatomic particles.1 “You” assign as real — present here and now — only that activity that is your signal. “You” are not aware of the others. When people think in terms of one self, they of course identify with one body. You know that the cellular structure of it changes constantly. The body is at any given moment, however, a mass conglomeration of energy formed from that rich bank of probable activity. The body is not stable in the terms usually thought of. On deeper biological levels the cells straddle probabilities, and trigger responses. Consciousness rides upon and within the pulses mentioned earlier, and forms its own organizations of identity. Each probability — probable only in relation to and from the standpoint of another probability — is inviolate, however, in that it is not destroyed. Once formed, the pattern will follow its own nature.

(As she ate Jane said, “The noises in my mouth are real loud — you’re not used to it.” When she sipped beer, she felt the cold liquid descend inside her body, but displaced to the right of her esophagus. She recited a list of opposing feelings in her own body that she was simultaneously aware of in her “bigger body”: Her right foot was very cold, her back very hot … I got her a sweater, for our living room had cooled off. The February night was very cold.

(Pause at 10:36.) Ruburt is at this moment feeling massive.* He is experiencing several things. The inner cellular body consciousness feels itself massive, while to you cells are minute. The sounds of the package, for example (as Seth, Jane crumpled an empty cigarette package), or the fingernails across the table (demonstrated), are magnified, for in the cellular world they are an important outside-the-self cosmic event — messages of great importance. The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal, though to you the cells have a brief life. But those cells are aware of the body’s history, in your terms, and in a much more familiar fashion than you are aware of the earth’s history.

Again, Ruburt is still experiencing massiveness…. All of the atoms and molecules that have composed your body since your birth, and will compose it until your death, in your terms, exist now; so even your knowledge of the body is experienced in a time form — that is, bit by bit.

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

These capsules can be seen by you under certain circumstances and have been called astral bodies … a term which does not meet with my pleasure….