1 result for (book:ur1 AND session:679 AND stemmed:mine)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Before the session I showed Jane a childhood photograph of herself, and one of me. The two pictures are roughly the same size, about 3¼ by 5". They also look remarkably alike in their brittle and discolored condition — almost as though they’d been snapped at the same time — yet mine is older than Jane’s by 20 years.
(The photograph of me, taken and dated by my father [Robert Sr.], has been kept in one of the Butts family albums for 53 years. In it the time is June 1, 1921. I’m almost 2 years old. I have curly light-colored hair. I wear a one-piece suit, long white stockings, and black shoes. I stand in the side yard of the house my parents rented in Mansfield, a small college town in northeastern Pennsylvania. Perhaps a dozen chicks cluster in the grass at my feet while I stare down at them, quite entranced. In blurred focus behind me an unknown teen-age girl sits on a swing that’s suspended from a tree limb, and an empty wicker stroller-type carriage [mine?] stands beside her. Parked in a driveway in back of her is a four-door touring car with a fabric top. I might add that Mansfield is only 35 miles below Elmira, N.Y., where Jane and I live now.
[... 61 paragraphs ...]
(After a pause at 12:02, Seth delivered a page of material for Jane before ending the session at 12:16 A.M. As I interpret his information on the photographs, then, Jane’s depicts an individual who was to become a probable Jane to the one I know, while mine is pretty much an early version of the self who’s always lived in this reality …)
[... 27 paragraphs ...]