1 result for (book:ur1 AND heading:"introductori note by robert f butt" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
I’m sure that that “energy personality essence,” as Seth calls himself, regarded with some amusement our gropings about how best to publish his work as the sessions began to pile up. I think that basically he was unconcerned with ideas of length or time; that Jane’s and my own willingness to continue delivering and recording the body of the material were the true arbiters of its length. In that sense, then, the creative processes involved with these two volumes were endless — at least until Jane and I called a halt to them for sheer physical reasons. (Those processes are still without end, of course, as is all creativity.)
[... 39 paragraphs ...]
“The trance state is characterized by a feeling of inexhaustible energy, emotional wholeness, and subjective freedom. At times Seth’s voice is very loud and powerful. Even in trance I’m aware of this, and I’m swept along in its energy. In the first years of my mediumship Seth’s voice and accent seemed very odd to me, whether I heard myself speaking for him during sessions or listened to tapes. But in the trance, what is known is known. Returning to my usual condition, the words that I’ve just spoken as Seth vanish in dreamlike fashion. Although I’ve read “Unknown” Reality since it was finished, and had looked portions of it over during the time of its production, it seems alien to me in the strangest fashion.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
“When I’m Seth, I’m just a small part of his reality, maybe only the portion I can grasp, but I bask in that personified energy. When Seth turns his attention to people, addressing them or answering questions, then I sense an almost multidimensional appreciation of their worth and individuality. He understands the validity of each person, or salutes it, approaching people in an entirely different light than we do. That experience of his reaction to others leads me to suspect the existence of an emotional experience far more vivid than the one we know.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
Some of you have written in joy, some in sorrow. Some of you have written to tell of answers you have found, and some of you have written requesting answers. In any case, energy is being sent out to you with this letter.
That energy will arouse in you your own abilities. It will lead you to insights and solutions that can be yours alone. It will put you in touch with the ground of your being — from which, eventually, all exultation and answers spring. My purpose is not to solve your problems for you, but to put you in touch with your own power. My purpose is not to come between you and your own freedom by giving you “answers,” even to the most tragic of problems. My purpose is to reinforce your own strength, for ultimately the magic of your being is well equipped to help you find fulfillment, understanding, exuberance, and peace.
Your problems are caused by your own doubts. These doubts arise because you have been out of touch with the validity of your own existence. Let me here reinforce that validity. Let me reinforce my faith in your innate ability to find joyful acquiescence, and to rise above any problems that you have. If I presume to solve problems for you, then I deny you your own power, and further reinforce any feelings of powerlessness that you have. I know that you can grow tired, however, and that sometimes a gift of energy can be quite a boost; so, again, with this letter I send my joyful recognition of your existence — and energy that you can use to reinforce your own vitality and strength.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]