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TSM Chapter Twelve 3/104 (3%) Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Twelve: More on Reincarnation — After Death and Between Lives

[... 76 paragraphs ...]

Matt has since become a good friend, incidentally, but at that point we didn’t know him from Adam. The psychological insights shown were really astonishing—and I don’t believe that the most accomplished psychologist could have pinpointed this young man’s character, abilities, and liabilities as well as Seth did.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

I’m only giving excerpts from personal readings, picking out passages that deal with reincarnation. Usually the readings themselves include far more—health suggestions as well as character analysis and advice on other matters. And so far, each such session has been highly significant to the person concerned.

Matt, for instance, was astonished by the character analysis which he said pegged him to a T. More, the crest mentioned by Seth was highly similiar, he told us, to his own private doodle that he sketched while on the phone or in odd moments. Another interesting point: a few years earlier the editor had written two plays—one featuring a monk who lived on the seacoast near Bordeaux, and the other also set in France in the thirteenth century. These facts, of course, were unknown to us.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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