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TSM Chapter Thirteen 1/112 (1%) Conz Dean illness Joan headache
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Thirteen: Health

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Yet she had been warned. Two years before her death she asked to attend a regular Seth session. Seth was quite serious and not as jovial as usual, and at the time I thought that he was being rather hard on her. Now I see that he was trying to impress her with the necessity of changing her attitudes and reactions. He stated his ideas on health as clearly and directly as possible, dealing with their practical application. I can almost see Joan sitting there, legs crossed, before the session. If she had been able to follow his advice, I am convinced she would be alive and well today. I am also sure that readers who understand and follow Seth’s ideas on health will find their own greatly improved.

[... 103 paragraphs ...]

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