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Jane Roberts (Rich Conz)
Seth sessions are held in full light in the Butts’ living room. Jane’s husband, Rob, using his own shorthand system, takes down Seth’s words verbatim. Above, as Jane goes into trance, she—as Seth—removes her glasses and has thrown them onto the couch. (Rich Conz)
Here and on the following pages, Janes trance expressions and gestures change dramatically to those of Seth. (Rich Conz)
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For the envelope test in Session 300 (which is described in Chapter Eight), the target item was a scrap of paper torn from The New York Times of November 7, 1966. Note the words “Election Day” and the models on the major portion of the page, which Seth alluded to in giving his impressions of the fragment. (Rich Conz)
For Session 276, the test envelope contained this bill. Note the line “overhanging” the name “Glenn M. Schuyler.” For details, see Chapter Eight. (Rich Conz)
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Above, Rob’s double portrait of Ruburt and Joseph. This represents Jane’s and Rob’s Whole Selves, the sum of their reincarnational personalities. (Robert Butts) Below, Jane and Rob in the same pose for comparison. (Rich Conz)
Jane Roberts with some of the fifty looseleaf notebooks of Seth Material that have been filled to date. (Rich Conz)