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TSM Chapter Sixteen 2/79 (3%) action professor identity students dilemma
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Sixteen: The Multidimensional Personality

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

The psychology class was as much interested in Seth’s reality as in the nature of personality, as he well knew. Smiling, Seth said, “One other point: These sessions are scheduled, and therefore operate under certain controlled conditions. Ruburt’s own personality is in no way threatened by them, and his ego has been carefully coddled and protected. It has not been shunted aside. Instead it has been taught new abilities. … I was not artificially ‘brought to birth’ through hypnosis. There was no artificial tampering of personality characteristics here. There was no hysteria. Ruburt allows me to use the nervous system under highly controlled conditions. I am not given a blanket permission to take over when I please, nor would I desire such an arrangement. I have other things to do.”

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

“Once more, action is not a force from without that acts upon matter. Action is, instead, the inside vitality of the inner universeit is the dilemma between inner vitality’s desire and impetus to completely materialize itself, and its inability to completely do so.

[... 44 paragraphs ...]

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