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TSM Chapter Six 1/70 (1%) Dr Instream Osis psychologist Rob
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Six: Seth Meets a Psychologist

[... 63 paragraphs ...]

We drove up past the stately university buildings. How neat and orderly! If only life were that neat, I thought. Rob was still trying to comfort me when we arrived at Dr. Instream’s office. Was I really one of those talkative domineering women who used any kind of trick to control their husbands? I looked over at Rob. He stood there, quiet but assured, “cool” versus my “hot”—my idea of a man. Usually I’m talkative. Now I shut up and let Rob do the talking—or tried to let him.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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