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TSM Chapter Seventeen 16/94 (17%) Rob Phil peering contact pyramid
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Seventeen: A “Future” Seth — Origin of the Sessions

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

“Some of this material will automatically answer many questions with which you have been concerned—problems with which your scientists have been dealing. We will discuss the interrelationship that exists between all systems of reality, including certain points of contact that include them all. These various points can be mathematically deduced, and will, in some future of yours, serve as contact points, taking the place of space travel in some cases.”

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

“The Seth portion of me has been intimately connected with you both, and so, in that respect, have I. This is closely related to the definition of a personality energy essence, from which, of course, all personalities spring.”

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I shook my head, “Wow. If I ever had any doubts … what-ever’s going on, it’s not coming from me, not from my own personality.” Later in my own notes I wrote, “… tremendous energy seemed to flow through me, with the definite certainty—thank God—that this was coming from beyond me, and was automatically translated into words at my end. I feel this is as significant a development—almost—as the original Seth session. The sense of contact was undeniably there. The feeling I had was that I really was in touch with some all encompassing reality.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The voice was much softer than usual. Rob had to listen closely to get all the words. “The development in the last session was latent from our first session, but it was a development that could or could not have occurred. Had it not, then many important future developments would have been blocked. The points where the [Seth] voice was loudest and most powerful—these points often represented openings through which the development could occur. For various reasons, however, that method was not used. The energy would have been diverted from the voice in which it had already been built up, you see.”

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Since then, I’ve had this cone effect often, always in this kind of a session. Right after the session resumed, I began to feel that tremendous energy again as the new voice spoke. “You have always been in contact with me, but you were only able to ‘see’ a portion of me. Keep in mind that all names are arbitrary, and we use them merely for your convenience. Basically, Seth’s name or mine isn’t important. Individuality is important and continues in ways you do not suspect.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

“There are points of contact having nothing to do with time, as you know it, that are significant to all personalities; origins of new energy that are sometimes brought into existence because of the strong latent psychic capacities within individual selves. At these points, whole conglomerations of new self-units come into being, their origin sparked, as given in the last sentence. They then disperse and go their own ways, but the mutual origin and the strength of that initial psychic birth remain.”

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

“We taught man to speak before the tongue knew syllables. We adopt whatever personality characteristics seem pertinent, for in our own reality we have a bank of complete inner selves, and we are all Seth. We attempt to translate realities into terms that you can comprehend. We change our face and form, but we are always the one. Many of us have not been born in flesh, as I have not been. In one way we have seeded ourselves through endless universes.

“Physically you would find me a mass smaller than a brown nut, for my energy is so highly concentrated. It exists in intensified mass … perhaps like one infinite cell existing in endless dimensions at once and reaching out from its own reality to all others.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

“You grow through my memory as a tree grows up through space, and my memory changes as you change. My memory of you includes your probable selves, and all of these coordinates exist simultaneously in a point that takes up no space. …

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

“Later, in your time, all of you will look down into the physical system like giants peering through small windows at the others now in your position and smile. But you will not want to stay, nor crawl through the small enclosures. … We protect such systems. Our basic and ancient knowledge and energy automatically reaches out to nourish all systems that grow—”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The next moment my own body, the room and everything in it began to grow to tremendous size. My body became massive. I could feel the organs inside me grow. At the same time all the furniture—everything—got larger and larger. It seemed as if the room now was huge enough to cover all of the city. Yet everything expanded in proportion, retaining its usual shape.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

I tried to find my voice to tell Rob I wanted to end the session, but the other personality was using it. Through all of this I use the word “I,” but “I” was so a part of the action that it was difficult to separate myself from it. Now, wanting out, I tried again to use my own voice.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Very startling though, the whole thing. If a psychologist wants to say simply that the whole thing was hallucination, then he would have to admit that it was hardly random, but well directed, to a point and for a purpose. The merging of myself with the action in the expansion episode was frightening at first. All in all I guess I reacted well enough and brought the thing to an end in the second episode when I decided I’d had enough for one night. I wasn’t just tossed willy-nilly the second time, and I broke the trance in anticipation of the experiences I knew were coming. So I did learn from the first episode.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

The voice had been vibrant and full, booming and loud. Then there was a pause. And for the first time the other personality came through in class. All of Seth’s gestures and mannerisms vanished. Instantly that high, distant, asexual voice began to speak. It is almost musical, without inflection, like single notes. “And that self tells you that there is a reality beyond human reality and experience that cannot be verbal nor translated in human terms. …

“Although this type of experience may seem cold to you, it is a clear and crystal-like existence in which no time is needed for experience … in which the inner self condenses all human knowledge that has been received through various existences and reincarnations … for all this has been coded and exists indelibly. You also exist now within this reality. …

“Know that within your physical atoms now the origins of all consciousness still sing and that all the human characteristics by which you know yourselves still exist. …

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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