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TSM Chapter Seven 1/34 (3%) cab motel Peg tests Rico
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Seven: Out-of-Body Episodes — I Pop into a Taxi While My Body Stays at Home

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

We held seventy-five Instream tests and eighty-three envelope tests between August 1965 and September 1966. Like most people with no background in psychic work, I expected things to be pure and simple. If Seth was what he said he was, then he should be able to look into time and space and closed envelopes as easily as you and I can see the objects in a room. I didn’t realize how much depended on the depth of my trance and on my willingness to give him freedom—I had to learn not to “block” information that came through. I didn’t realize either that little is known about normal perception, much less extrasensory perception, or that no medium is expected to be 100 percent correct. The impressions had to come through me, and as the old saying goes, to err is human.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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