1 result for (book:tsm AND heading:"chapter nineteen inner vibrat touch" AND stemmed:true)

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Inner Vibrational Touch 2/25 (8%) Polly flashlight vibrational paths Senses
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Nineteen: The Inner Senses — What They Are and How to Use Them
– Inner Vibrational Touch

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

“You are not expected to become unconscious, then. There is no need to feel that when you block out the ordinary conscious mind, there is only blankness. It is true that when you close one conscious mind—door—there may be a moment of disorientation before you open another.

“It is also true that you may need to learn the methods by which you can perceive other realities, simply because you are not used to manipulating these other conscious portions of yourself. But these portions are as critical—and even as intellectual—as valid and as real as the consciousness with which you are ordinarily familiar.”

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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