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TSM Chapter Nineteen: Diffusion by the Energy Personality 2/12 (17%) Psy awake diffusion supranormal entry
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Nineteen: The Inner Senses — What They Are and How to Use Them
– Diffusion by the Energy Personality

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These levels of consciousness are only preliminaries to another state that I have reached but seldom. In this state your intellect, intuitions, and entire being operate at a level that is really supranormal. Your senses are almost unbelievably acute. This state can occur whether you are normally awake, “awake” in the sleep condition, or in a trance. But you feel as if you have lived your life in a dream and are now awake. Momentarily you are aware of your multidimensional reality. Once you have had this experience, you never forget it.

These achievements begin with the simple practice of Psy-Time. They begin when you turn your focus of attention away from physical reality for a few moments a day. Each person will experience the Inner Senses in a different way, since perception of any kind is highly individual. It is extremely difficult to use the other Inner Senses without first using Psy-Time, however. In fact some of my students “turned on” their other Inner Senses spontaneously when doing Psy-Time. Some have used Psy-Time to receive information concerning their past lives; in this case, they used many of the Inner Senses together to search out the data they wanted.

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