1 result for (book:tsm AND heading:"chapter nineteen diffus by the energi person" AND stemmed:attent)

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Diffusion by the Energy Personality 1/12 (8%) Psy awake diffusion supranormal entry
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Nineteen: The Inner Senses — What They Are and How to Use Them
– Diffusion by the Energy Personality

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These achievements begin with the simple practice of Psy-Time. They begin when you turn your focus of attention away from physical reality for a few moments a day. Each person will experience the Inner Senses in a different way, since perception of any kind is highly individual. It is extremely difficult to use the other Inner Senses without first using Psy-Time, however. In fact some of my students “turned on” their other Inner Senses spontaneously when doing Psy-Time. Some have used Psy-Time to receive information concerning their past lives; in this case, they used many of the Inner Senses together to search out the data they wanted.

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