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TSM Chapter Eleven 1/95 (1%) Sally Jon Ann Jim Lindens
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Eleven: Reincarnation

[... 93 paragraphs ...]

Now, over two years later, Sally is still alive but in poor condition. Seth said that she had solved the challenges she had set for herself, but in so doing had damaged her physical body to such an extent that she had decided to discard it. As of this writing she is in coma. Jon wanted to know what was happening to her in this state. “Is she really conscious someplace else? Or just dreaming? And what happens after death?” In a recent session Seth answered these questions. Many of the answers apply to death in general, so I’ll include some excerpts from this session in the next chapter, and also go into Seth’s ideas on reincarnation more thoroughly.

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