1 result for (book:tsm AND heading:"chapter eighteen" AND stemmed:strict)

TSM Chapter Eighteen 1/78 (1%) thread agony God gestalt yearning
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Eighteen: The God Concept — The Creation — The Three Christs

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

“In actuality, following the image through, and strictly as an analogy, there would also be an infinite number of threads both above and below your own, all part of one inconceivably miraculous webwork. Yet each thread would not be one-dimensional but of many dimensions, and conceivably, if you knew how, there would be ways of leapfrogging from one thread to the other. You would not be forced to follow any particular thread in a single-line fashion.

[... 63 paragraphs ...]

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