1 result for (book:tsm AND heading:"chapter eighteen" AND stemmed:histor)

TSM Chapter Eighteen 1/78 (1%) thread agony God gestalt yearning
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Eighteen: The God Concept — The Creation — The Three Christs

[... 63 paragraphs ...]

“The responsibility for your life and your world is indeed yours. It has not been forced upon you by some outside agency. You form your own dreams, and you form your own physical reality. The world is what you are. It is the physical materialization of the inner selves which have formed it.” But if God cannot be objectified, what about Christ? Seth says that he did not exist as one historic personage. “When the race is in deepest stress and faced with great problems, it will call forth someone like Christ. It will seek out and indeed from itself produce the very personalities necessary to give it strength. …

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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