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TSM Author’s Introduction 2/39 (5%) paranormal God students Carol advice
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Author’s Introduction

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Then a give-and-take period began in which Seth corrected Carol’s notes as she read them, added several remarks to clear certain sentences, and bantered back and forth with her. The students asked questions, and Seth answered them.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

As of December 1969, my husband, Rob, and I have held over 500 Seth sessions, over a period of five years. My first book in this field, How to Develop Your ESP Power, briefly explained the circumstances leading to my interest in ESP, and the experiments that led to my introduction to Seth. Since then, Seth has demonstrated telepathic and clairvoyant abilities on occasions too frequent to mention. Through sessions he has helped friends, strangers, and students, and by following his instructions my husband and I are learning to develop our own psychic potentials.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

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