1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"letter to sheri saturday morn octob 23 1982" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Letter to Sheri Saturday Morning, October 23, 1982 5/12 (42%) Sheri behalf healers Jerry p.s
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Letter to Sheri Saturday Morning, October 23, 1982

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

First, Jane and I thank you very much for your efforts on her behalf. We know you know this, but still want to say so: Thank you!

We also thank you for your call day before yesterday. For the first time in a session, Seth remarked last night that Jane has been able to open herself up to healing energy from you and the people you have asked for help on Jane’s behalf. The session was very short, but very encouraging. Jane now has more movement in her knees than she has had for years. She has a long way to go, but evidently you and yours have helped, along with some things we are trying on our own, so we want you to know this, and so you can tell those you write on Jane’s behalf.

What I want to ask you for are records of your and their correspondence. You know that we’re bugs on records, so that we have something concrete to go on when we write about things—and we will be writing about these late events. Perhaps in an epilogue for the Seth book we have in the works now, Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment. Be that as it may, we do need accurate records. I would like to ask you for copies of whatever letters you may have received from the healers, as well as your own correspondence. You can send originals if you choose, and we’ll copy them and return them. We need dates especially, so we can correlate the efforts of others with whatever changes Jane shows: otherwise it will be very difficult to write convincingly about what transpires, for whatever we write will be designed to help others also.

If you do not have copies of your own letters, perhaps you can tell us what you said in them, and the dates you mailed them. Anything at all is going to be of value, and I will start a file to keep everything straight. I’ve discovered that that’s the only way to get anything done in the long run, without going to enormous lengths to attempt to reconstruct events perhaps a couple of years later, or whatever. We’re so busy now I shrink from even thinking of trying to do that any more. I’m also writing this out in a letter instead of calling so that you can have the record to refer to at your leisure. Our love to you and you-know-who —I think his name is Jerry, or something like that.... Jane says her best too.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

P.S. We don’t plan to write the healers ourselves. Things are going well, so we would like to keep going just as we are, with your help. However, we do want names and addresses, etc. (I remember those letters Jane used to get from Harry Edwards.) However the story works out, that’s the one we’ll be wanting to tell others about. In other words, we’re quite happy to go along with things as they develop, trying to keep ourselves open to Framework 2, you might say.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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