1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"letter to doctor henri n william june 7 1982" AND stemmed:was)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Of course we wondered if her taking the medication you sent had anything to do with the little finger’s response. In a very short session Seth said it was related, but didn’t go into any details, so other factors are involved. Jane said one of them was that she felt the changes in the finger take place as she lay on her left side while I changed the dressing, on her ulcer that afternoon. In the meantime, we stopped using the medication.
2. At the same time, I began using the calindula medication on the ulcer twice a day when I would change the dressing. Yesterday Jane felt very uncomfortable as she sat in her chair on the water cushion. Last night when I helped her off it onto the bed, we discovered that she had soaked the cushion under her bottom for an area eight inches or so around—something she hadn’t done before. Mixed in with this were clots of blood. The discharge from the ulcer was much greater than we’d ever noted before. Yet when I changed the dressing the ulcer itself looked okay, although perhaps a bit redder in color. It appears to me healing by filling in a bit around the edges. But again we stopped using the medication. Jane slept well last night, and this morning I noted that there hadn’t been any discharge from the ulcer overnight when I changed the dressing as usual. No more blood, for instance.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
We did wonder at the two reactions, following the use of the two medications. Could there be an allergic reaction to them on Jane’s part? She was most uncomfortable sitting in the pool of moisture yesterday, and couldn’t keep that up since she spends so much time sitting—to begin with.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]