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TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 10/24 (42%) moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 31, 1983 3:55 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Today was a relatively quiet day for both of us. I got a few things done, missed out on some others, and Jane did a few exercises and had a little session.

(This morning I made an attempt to reach our regular plumber, but when this failed I called another, who may be here later this week. Frank Longwell visited at 11:30 AM, while I ate lunch. On the way to the hospital I stopped at Acuto Pontiac to make a date for having the car’s gearshifting checked: Wednesday at 1 PM. I can walk to the hospital from the garage. In 330 later, I left Jane to visit Medical Records again, but got nowhere because I missed seeing Janet Troutt, who’s getting Jane’s records for both ourselves and Blue Cross. I called from 330 at 4:01, during Jane’s break in the session, and again failed to make any meaningful contact. Maybe, I thought, we’re fated to never get those records. I’ll try again tomorrow, I suppose.

(After eating a good lunch, Jane tried reading yesterday’s session aloud—and did quite well—much better than she did yesterday, of course. Afterward we waited to see what would develop. I messed with some mail.

(At 3:40 Jane asked me to take away her cigarette and the ashtray on her belly. She wanted to move, she said. Before long she had her left foot and leg raised up a couple of inches off the bed. “Safe and nice,” she kept repeating to herself, breathing hard and grunting and groaning as the leg moved up and down somewhat. This was more than she’d done yesterday, I think.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:53. Susie came in to take Jane’s temperature—96.8—and pulse. Two minutes later, after I’d pushed the door shut, Jane began speaking for Seth.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:01. During break I made my call to medical records. Jane had a cigarette. Lorrie came in to take her blood pressure. Resume at 4:12.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:15 PM. I read the session to Jane. I had to laugh at the way Seth had announced that her body knew perfectly well how to heal itself in its own way, regardless of her demands upon it.

(Now Jane moved her arms, one at a time. In hydro this morning she said that she’d very gently moved her feet enough so that she could feel her “bicycle effect.” It’s not so easy to move her arms, though—the litter is very narrow and she has to watch her balance.

(I clipped Jane’s nails. It was definitely easier to do those doubled-up fingers on her right hand, since they were much more flexible now. By the time I’d finished her toes, the muscles around her eyes and across her forehead were also moving, seemingly with an impetus or life of their own. I used Oil of Olay on her limbs.

(After I’d had a nap Jane ate a very good supper. It was easy to turn her on her back. I read the prayer to her at 7:00, and left five minutes later.)

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