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TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1983 9/43 (21%) motion head bet torso groaned
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 28, 1983 4:24 PM Friday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(3:36. Suddenly Jane began to rotate her right arm in concert with lifting her head and neck off the bod—seemingly as fast as could be done. Once again she gave me the feeling that she—her body—was practicing control and coordination. This was all a good workout in itself. She made strange grunting sounds with her efforts, and almost violent motions.

(She worked at straightening out her left leg. “I can tell the muscles want to do it, but all of them aren’t ready yet. Neither is the right one.” But I pointed out that her right leg is already down a couple of inches. I can tell this is so by the extra room I now have to insert a sponge between her calf and thigh, to give her some support there when she’s on her back.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(3:46. At her request I rubbed Jane’s “spot” on the back of her neck. Her head began to jump back and forth again very rapidly. Then I searched for a second spot on the top of her head—and when I found it with my middle finger Jane’s head suddenly began to jerk very rapidly from side to side. She cried out, disoriented with the quickness of the motion. I couldn’t tell whether her eyes were open or closed—nor could she when I asked her later. At the same time her feet began to move in a distinct rhythm with the sideways head movements. All very fast.

(“I’ll bet no doctor would have thought I could do that,” she said. “What was I doing, anyway? That was one of the wildest things I’ve done yet....” And later: “I still feel funny from it, you know? It feels like you’re incredibly oiled—it didn’t hurt at all.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(4:10. After her cigarette Jane began to groan and writhe on the bed, her head, torso, legs and feet all moving. Even her eye muscles moved, she said. The performance didn’t last long, but she seemed to expend a lot of effort in the motions. “What the hell was I doing?” she asked, surprised.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(4:28. I laughed as Jane came out of trance. When she asked what it was all about I said, “I’ll bet that when you get your motion back you’ll be a terror, won’t you?”

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

We are building a structure of our own, building a certain dimension if you prefer. In which healing is accelerated. It is a certain kind of multidimensional structure, as per your television program (tonight, Buck Rogers), in which all things are returned to their most beneficial state.

It means that you are finally placing yourselves under the directions of a far more extensive organization—a psychic one, in which all things return to their most natural beneficial form. Old impediments do indeed drop away, because you enter into a higher kind of knowledge—a kind of knowledge for which you also have been searching for for some time, a structure in which Sumari time operates, so that certain aspirations can be achieved in a very minimal amount of physical time.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

The point is that you need not try too hard—indeed, you need not try at all. As your beings naturally gravitate toward their own true natures.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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