1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session octob 28 1982" AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
The vitamin C is particularly helpful. So are the oils, but anything that adds further trauma to a meal should be avoided. You are both doing well, however, in your determination to go ahead into new freedoms—discovering, finally, that the universe does indeed (underlined) lean in your direction.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(I haven’t made any effort toward dismissing a move to Sayre, myself. Jane hasn’t mentioned it lately. I will try to remain open about it, and trust that the means for it will come through Framework 2.... I explained that I’d become quite interested in the Fred Conyers thing because I’d been reading a couple of pages a day of one of the manuscripts he’d left us: The Rule Book of Love: A Seth Book. I thought the title intriguing. I also thought portions of the manuscript itself were intriguing, quite acute, mixed up with Fred’s obsessions and compulsions, his personal life and family, his far-out ideas, his attempts and frustrations as he tried to use the manuscript as a vehicle toward understanding himself as he attempted to uncover the secrets of his personality: He thought them locked away from his understanding by the very device he had chosen of speaking for Seth. Inaccessible to him consciously. I’ve also learned that Fred has a wife, Heidi, and at least one daughter, and that he did—does —live in Denver, Colorado.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]