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TPS7 Deleted Session October 27, 1983 16/34 (47%) torso moving belly hips flopping
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 27, 1983 4:35 PM Thursday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I found Jane very blue—even to the point of a few tears—when I got to 330 this afternoon. It was easy to turn her on her back, though, and she eventually ate an excellent lunch. She’d eaten well for breakfast, too. She’s only been taking Darvoset at about 5:30 AM, and before she goes down to hydro later in the morning—distinct improvements, I told her.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:20. Jane did very well reading yesterday’s session aloud. She’d also read well yesterday. She told me that when she gets the Darvoset before hydro, “they mix it up with my aspirin, into a terrible concoction.”

(Dawn came in to take Jane’s temperature—97.5—to start the daily round of vitals, at 3:30. At 4:00 Jane told me to get out my pad in case Seth came through. She began to flex her arms. She did especially well with her head and right arm, then the feet began to move. “Then my feet get hot,” she said, then exclaimed in pleasure, “Look how fast it’s going”—meaning her left big toe. Then all of her toes began to move to various degrees. Jane’s head began to lift repeatedly off the pillow. Groaning and straining, making hoarse sounds of effort, she began to struggle to move her whole body. I could see the effort travel up her left leg into the hips and her belly. “The whole body is trying to move,” I said, “as though you’re trying to move it in a dream.”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(4:09. Groaning and grunting and trying even harder and more loudly, Jane once again began lifting her head and torso and moving them from side to side. “What am I doing, Bob? God, what noises....”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“If I could just sit up on the side of the bed,” Jane said. She moved her arms again.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“I’ve thought of it.” Then Jane’s feet began going again.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:15. Abruptly Jane began flopping her head and rotating her left arm, holding the elbow up in the air, so vigorously that she cried out that she was getting dizzy. “What am I doing, Bob?”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:18. Now there was a general movement of head, torso, legs and feet. Jane’s whole body moved and twisted on the mattress, which flexed beneath her accordingly. She couldn’t have done this even last Monday. “What am I doing, Bob?” she asked again, surprised. “If I could just sit on the edge of the bed in a month, even.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(4:27. “I ought to be turning you over pretty soon.” Jane agreed. I didn’t think we were going to have a session.

(4:28. “I tried to do a little bit of that bicycle thing when I was in hydro this morning,” Jane said. “I could feel it work, but I couldn’t do much because you’ve got to keep yourself balanced on that litter.... Wow, right now I feel as if I could fall over.”

(4:30. More movements of the right arm this time, and the head and neck. The arm motions were almost as though Jane was leading an orchestra. I took her cigarette and ashtray away before she knocked them flying with her rapidly moving hand. I had a sense that the arm was moving almost by itself, somewhat uncoordinated, as if searching for its role with the body, or relearning for itself what it was for, what it could do.

(“Well, take this,” Jane said after a few more puffs, after her best, most prolonged and widest-ranging display of motion so far. “I do think I’ll get a little bit after all.”)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(4:38. Jane had another cigarette before I turned her. She wants to be able to read books. We haven’t had time to start on the copy of Personal Reality I brought the day after getting the idea. “But that’s okay,” I said. “If you keep on improving like you have been, it looks like I’ll be taking the book apart a lot sooner than I thought I would—which, after all, is what we want you to be able to do: read by yourself.”

(4:45. I was just about to turn Jane on her left side when she suddenly began to reach down outside her right hip with her right hand—easily a couple of inches farther than she’s been able to reach before. She did it several times. I could feel and see the tension in her taut muscles in the shoulder, above the pectoral, and in the elbow, as they moved. But she wasn’t overdoing anything by straining too hard. Then she rested.

(I turned her at 4:50. It was still tough going for her, but she did well. She’d done extremely well this afternoon. She ate an excellent supper, too. Congratulations, Jane.

(A note: Since this is a private session I can add this observation. When we were alone, after I’d turned her and made her somewhat comfortable, Jane made a sexual reference to me. “You’d better be careful, and not give me any ideas,” I said. This was very important, I realized later, for it signaled the revival of another interest in life for my wife. I’m going to ask her—for I wonder if even she realizes the significance of what she said....)

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