1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session octob 26 1982" AND stemmed:portion)
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
(I won’t try to repeat it all here by any means, though at the time I’d thought I had some good things to say. Jane had agreed, so I thought. The gist of it had to do with how far one wanted to carry one’s personal challenges, and that these limits or extents would be different for each individual. My own reaction to the events in our lives over the years was that consciously we had reached limits, and that it was beholden upon the rest of the personality—Jane’s especially—that it recognize this and back off enough from its own goals so that the physical body could recover, at least enough to ensure survival and a working life in which it could deal with life’s daily goals, and arts, too. Otherwise, I said, the whole process becomes self-defeating not only for the conscious portions of the personality, but for the very body itself. Granted that certain individuals could choose to pursue certain goals and challenges even through the point of physical death, never relaxing that focus; still, most did not.
(“We’re all going to die,” I said, “so what we’re really talking about is how and when that death takes place.... If you, or anyone, chooses to extract the utmost from whatever experience is decided upon, then you have to go with that. But it’s also like saying that a doctor can’t help people with cancer unless he gets cancer himself, so that he really knows what it’s like. Somewhere along the line you have to decide upon a cutoff point—that is, all portions of the personality have to do that together, or the conscious self is dragged along unwilling to cooperate....”
[... 5 paragraphs ...]