1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session octob 26 1982" AND stemmed:belief)

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1982 2/33 (6%) David vitamins Cohen letter guitar
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 26, 1982 2:40 PM Tuesday

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(As for the food and vitamin material, I’ve become less and less insistent that Jane adhere to any kind of regular program, since I think she continues to show that she’s not really sold on such therapy. I don’t really know whether that attitude negates my efforts or not. My original idea was simply to offer the physical body some help it could use, even regardless of the beliefs involved, and to use that help as a springboard for changing certain beliefs. I don’t believe any medication or vitamins—or anything else, for that matter—are going to do a person any good without a change in belief. That change would come about in a socially acceptable way through the medication.

(At this point I am more than reasonably sure that Jane began to show certain marked improvements after I initiated the vitamin, peanut-oil, cod-liver-oil daily routine: Her hands first began to show definite reductions in swelling within a very few days, and this was followed by an excellent increase in her knee movement a few days later. Certain B-vitamins in the regimen were each supposed to help these specific areas, and evidently did so. I am quite aware that these changes were also accompanied by possible changes in belief, since we’d talked about what we were doing, obviously. But certainly more than coincidence is involved here. I do think I’ve seen similar temporary changes in belief before, without the accompanying changes in the hands and knees. More minor changes, possibly [though offhand I don’t recall them], but nothing like what’s now taking place. My personal opinion is that the combination of all three elements—vitamins, peanut oil, and cod liver oil, have helped a great deal in achieving these improvements, and that each time we pass up the “treatment,” which is absurdly simple, we do miss out on something helpful. But I may be wrong. Seth has promised to comment.

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