1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session octob 24 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session October 24, 1983 10/26 (38%) Sharon Janet Hurley rhythms arms
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 24, 1983 3:47 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Steve and Tracy Blumenthal visited Jane at the hospital last night and me at the house afterward. We talked mostly business, and Steve is going to contact Pete Harpending about a number of matters. I told the kids that they could lose their shirts in their proposed Seth Production Company, just so they would know various possibilities—and probabilities.)

(It was painful for Jane to be turned today. I turned her on her back after stopping at Medical Records first to see Janet Troutt about the copy of Jane’s records that I’d been promised. However, the copies were so poor—and lacking lab reports—that Janet said she’d have them redone; now I’m to stop in a couple of days from now—which means the records don’t go to the insurance company before then, either.

(Jane had her catheter changed, though she was still getting spasms when I got there, and these continued throughout the afternoon. Jane couldn’t stand for me to rub her left leg after I turned her, because of the strong “pins and needles” feelings the massaging generates in the leg. She had good movement in her arms and shoulders, meaning that she’s preserving the freedoms in those areas. She said that generally she has felt some overall general improvements, but especially in the arms and hands.

(At 3:15 I read yesterday’s session to Jane, after she tried unsuccessfully to read it herself. Even when I read it, she said, she “couldn’t absorb it very well” for some reason. I massaged her neck. I answered some mail. At 3:35 Jane told me to get my paper and pen ready in case Seth came through.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(3:48. Sharon Poley walked in to take Jane’s temperature [98 degrees]; she came in without knocking while Jane was speaking for Seth in a voice deeper and stronger than her regular voice. Jane spoke Seth’s last few words while Sharon was at the foot of the bed, then broke off as soon as she saw Sharon. Sharon didn’t give any sign that she noticed or heard anything unusual—and looking at Jane, one couldn’t tell that she was in trance.

(After Sharon had left. I asked Jane how she knew, as Seth, that Sharon was there. “I don’t know,” Jane said. “I just saw her. I think she might have noticed something, though it’s no big deal.”

(There hadn’t been that much to notice, I said. Jane’s voice could be attributed to her obviously dictating something to me, which everybody around knew she did each day. When I told Jane I didn’t think she’d answered my question, she said she saw Sharon as Seth, not being that far under, and that the reason for that was that “I think you sort of guard yourself in a place like this. It would have been different at the house.”

(Sharon Hurley and Cathy came in to take Jane’s pulse and blood pressure, and to give her eyedrops. Then I read the two sentences Jane had given back to her, and she resumed at 3:59:)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:04. Jane had done well. I lit a smoke for her. Her right foot was flexing as the left one had been earlier. She said she was beginning to sense a rhythm to the sessions in the afternoon. She also remarked that if I was present in the evening she could do more....

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:23 PM. Jane grunted in discomfort, for now the smaller toes on her feet began to move a little —with the big toes—in a way I hadn’t seen them do before. Another first. Another sign, I told her. I was delighted with the way she kept her new motions once they’d shown themselves. I still feel hope and enthusiasm.)

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