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TPS7 Deleted Session October 22, 1983 8/23 (35%) hollows chilly fracas Reagen Margaret
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 22, 1983 4:00 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(When I turned Jane on her back at 1:15 this afternoon, and removed the foam-rubber doughnut from between her knees, she didn’t want me to massage her left leg as I’ve been doing lately. She said it hurt too much—not that it was worse, but that the “pins and needles” that resulted from my touch were too uncomfortable. I take this to mean increased circulation. The leg certainly feels better to me.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Room 330 got quite chilly this afternoon—it was cold last night and chilly today—and Jane even had me lay a towel over her part of the time, since we have no heat yet in the room. [Nor does she want it yet, by any means.]

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(During lunch I’d asked Jane if she thought Seth might want to comment on the sinful self, and its material. I thought some data on these items might show how her psyche was integrating our new information and efforts, including the healing impetus. I thought the sinful self had to be cooperating in our endeavors, and I wondered whether there might be some scrap of new information it possessed that could help us.

(Lying on her back as usual, Jane began to speak for Seth right after LuAnn had given her her eye drops as usual. Seth’s voice was average.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(At 4:01 Peggy came into take Jane’s blood pressure. Jane at once spoke to her in her normal voice. After Peggy left I read Jane the one line Seth had given. Resume a 4:04.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(4:07. I read the session so far to Jane. She said Seth may have stopped just because she thought she was going to have a bladder spasm as she did yesterday at break time. Jane was quite pleased because I said it looked at though she was starting to put on a little weight. I’d been particularly noticing the hollows in the fronts of her shoulders. I told her they looked a little smoother, a little more filled in, the skin looked healthier and more natural. “The hollows don’t look so stringy,” I said suddenly. “Yeah, that’s the word I want.”

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(4:23. Jane had done well once again. It had been a sort of peaceful or restful day comparatively. After I turned her on her side at 4:50 I rubbed Oil of Olay into her feet, lower legs, and hands and arms as usual, talking briefly to each of those parts. All responded in their individual ways. Some of the areas that had shown new movement in recent days were now a little sore, so we didn’t push it at all as far as motion goes. Jane did fairly well as she was being turned.

(She ate an excellent supper, after I’d had a nap and she’d watched TV. Margaret Bumbalo visited just as she, Jane, was finishing supper. Margaret was surprised at the amount of food my wife had eaten. She also brought news of the fracas involving President Reagen on a southern golf course this afternoon. I left the two women talking at 7:15.)

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