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TPS7 Deleted Session October 20, 1983 8/23 (35%) massage bloated essays chin medical
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 20, 1983 4:08 PM Thursday

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(As soon as I turned Jane back on her back at about 1:15 I massaged Oil of Olay into her left leg and talked to her and to it. The leg felt better, less tense than it had yesterday. At the same time Jane’s left foot hurt when I rubbed the leg, and turned outward on its side.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:01. Jane began reading yesterday’s session. She did better than she had yesterday. I helped her some also. Then we went over most of the material in all of the previous sessions, for they contain many excellent points. During this time Jane moved her arms and hands—which look better—and various other portions of her anatomy.

(Jane described a dream she’d had last night, a very positive one, she thought, in which she’d looked at her face in a mirror for the first time in a long while. She saw her features with their old familiar contours, was pleased, and thought that with a little makeup she’d look fine. “I don’t have the guts to really look at my face yet,” she said now. “The last time I did—some months ago—I thought I looked terrible, with a double chin and my face bloated all out of shape....” I told her her face wasn’t bloated out of shape, that it looked much better, and that she appeared to have a double chin because of her position in bed. Perhaps she half believed me. It was approaching time for people to start coming in to check her vitals when she said she’d try for a short session. She was on her back, of course; her Seth voice was okay, good but not too loud.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(4:12. “Actually. I think he stopped because I have one of those gas things, or whatever they are,” Jane said. She meant a bladder spasm, I think, since she’s been getting a few of them lately. Her catheter hasn’t been changed now for some time; she’s done well with it.

(“In a funny way, I’m better here, now, than I was when I was home,” Jane said. I told her that I expected her to be in good shape when I got her home again. Earlier today I’d suggested that she visualize herself sitting at her desk in the breezeway, writing—and without giving a thought as to how she got there. Let the healing energies of the body take care of all that stuff, I’d said.

(“I don’t know,” she added as she had a cigarette. “I just got the feeling that you and I are going to have some unexpected company—I don’t know whether here or at the house.” Just what we need, I thought. However, her statement prompted me to tell her that a few days before the insurance company had denied our claim for major medical benefits because they hadn’t received the hospital records, I’d waked up early one morning and lay there worrying about the possibility of a denial for perhaps an hour. I’d felt definitely uneasy, I told Jane—that is, I’d had no feelings that the matter of insurance was going smoothly. I believe I’d forgotten to tell her about this episode.

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(“About the essays. I was telling Jane earlier that now I wonder about some of what I wrote—stressing that Jane has arthritis, and the medical opinions about it, and so forth. I also said you didn’t think that she had arthritis, though, and that we’d chosen to go along with the doctors—”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(4:28 PM. It was time to turn Jane on her side. The neck massage I’d given her earlier, which Seth referred to, had followed a turning also. It had been painful for her to be turned, and I’d tried to relieve some of her tenseness by massaging her neck muscles and back. It had helped.)

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