1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session octob 19 1983" AND stemmed:paint)

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 1/34 (3%) leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 19, 1983 4:03 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(I brought in to show Jane the two paintings that had been involved in my enlarged-perception experience yesterday—The Girl with The Violet Eyes and the head of the man. Jane remembered them when she saw them. I still get the feeling when I look at the girl, and the man too. Jane liked the man so much I put it up on the bulletin board—not easy, since it isn’t framed.

[... 29 paragraphs ...]

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