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TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 11/34 (32%) leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 19, 1983 4:03 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(During lunch Jane’s broken right leg and right foot were bothering her considerably after I’d turned her on her back. I’d given her aspirin. I tried a little dehypnosis, stroking the leg and foot and talking to them. Jane was making noises of pain and discomfort, though after a while she stopped this while she ate. Then she told me my “treatment” had helped a lot, beginning a few minutes after I stopped.

(“We should have been smart enough to try it without following it up with the aspirin right away,” I said. But we learned something. Maybe next time. Sharon Poley brought Jane Darvoset at 2:40.

(I brought in to show Jane the two paintings that had been involved in my enlarged-perception experience yesterday—The Girl with The Violet Eyes and the head of the man. Jane remembered them when she saw them. I still get the feeling when I look at the girl, and the man too. Jane liked the man so much I put it up on the bulletin board—not easy, since it isn’t framed.

(Jane dozed a few times while reading yesterday’s session, which she managed to do fairly well. I helped her read it. She also rotated her arms in good style. I told her both her hands looked better than they had yesterday, even, with the skin coloring more normal instead of being so taut and tight. I began doing some mail while she slept briefly after reading the session. “I feel guilty, doing that,” she said.

(After everybody had made their rounds concerning her vitals, which were all normal, Jane said she might try for a short session. “Maybe I need a little session, at least every day, just to keep my spirits up,” she said. She was quite upset because of her discomfort in her right leg after I’d first turned her on her back before lunch.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(4:05. I asked Jane if she’d been stewing about getting quick improvements. She said no, though she wasn’t happy because her leg had been bothering her so at lunchtime. “And I want to feel more and more released.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Once when Jane dozed before I turned her, she woke up with a start. But she said she hadn’t been asleep: “The start was because I hurt.”

(The supper tray was late. After a nap I turned Jane back on her back at 5:35, and massaged her left leg again, doing a much better job this time. I told her I was “upset” at the tension in the leg, and wanted to see it dissipate. I could feel the leg respond. She said she had to do something so as not to get discouraged, and I told her not to let herself get discouraged. Her right wrist began to revolve better, and her doubled-up fingers loosened a little more—more progress.

(I did tell Jane that when Seth came through again I wanted some material on the tension in her body, especially the leg.

(Since supper was late in coming, we didn’t get through until 7:30. I was starting to get my stuff together when Jane asked me to get the Seth notebook out again. When Seth came through her voice was a bit hoarse, but with good subdued power.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(7:4l PM. Seth didn’t return. Jane’s arms were still rotating in good shape. She had part of a cigarette. I read the prayer to her and left at 7:53.)

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