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TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1982 7/15 (47%) pills distance movement legs putty
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 15, 1982 9:28 PM Friday

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(We sat for the session at about 8:55. Jane had been pretty far out for some time, both before and after supper. However, we’ve been extremely pleased to see that in the last couple of days her legs have acquired a good deal more movement at the knees: her toes spanned a distance from front to back of a good six inches as she swung her legs back and forth. This is far better than she could do even a couple of weeks ago, although I think it was back then that she first showed me a slight increase in knee motion. I measured on the rug the distance she covered.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In fact, Jane exercised often during the day, in spite of her feeling out of it so much. I asked her to rest her legs at times, for I didn’t want her to develop soreness that might bother in future days. She kept saying her legs wanted to move. Nor was she sore today. When her nurse, Peggy Jowett, came this afternoon, she clapped in applause at Jane’s increased movements. Jane also has increased movement in other parts of her body; she can move her head from side to side much further, and her arms and shoulders work better, she said.

(I was really pleased. “It looks like those pills—the vitamins—are really beginning to help you,” I said yesterday, after one such session of leg movement. “How about the beliefs and the sessions?” Jane demanded right away. I replied that all I knew was that she couldn’t move like that before taking the vitamins, the peanut oil massages, and the cod liver oil, etc., but I added that I was more than happy to credit sessions, beliefs, and/or anything else that gave us results. I said that I thought the pills, our changing beliefs, and the sessions were all working together.

(Yesterday we received from Hal Williams begonia pills for pain; he’d mentioned sending these to Jane during his visit recently. Also enclosed was a chunk of plastic putty to exercise hands, and Jane took to this at once. I’d thought it might be too stiff for her, to knead, that is.

(“Well, I’m going to try,” Jane said at 9:14. But she kept dozing off. “Give me a cigarette—maybe that’ll wake me up,” she said. 9:20. 9:25. I suggested we forget it. “I have the feeling he’s way back there,” she said, “waiting for me to get ready....” At 9:26 she asked me to turn off the TV set: I’d had it on to watch the World Series, without sound, glancing at it once in a while from my place at the card table.

(“I’m not very comfortable,” Jane said. but I’m going to try, because I do feel him in the distance....” She took off her glasses. When Seth came through her voice was surprisingly good:)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(9:35 PM. “See. I don’t want to lose anything.” Jane said at once, meaning she didn’t want to miss out on any sessions. “Boy. I’ll go for that,” she said when I told her that Seth had said her new arousal of energy should accelerate.)

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