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TPS7 Deleted Session October 13, 1983 12/34 (35%) drainage Carol rotate flexing inspectors
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 13, 1983 4:05 PM Thursday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At 2:45 PM Jane tried to read the typed session from yesterday, but couldn’t, in spite of her struggles. I was upset, thinking that if she couldn’t read it would be a great handicap, especially since we’d started up the sessions again. She asked me to read the session to her, saying that she’d try again later to read it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At the same time, I was discouraged by the reading thing, although I felt it was connected to Jane’s right leg troubles—the break and the drainage. She’d told me today when I got there at noon that a second drainage spot had opened up on the leg wound, underneath, and that it too was draining. I’d noticed a different type of bandage on her leg. I hoped the second spot marked an effort on the body’s part to increase its speed of healing, and told her this.

(Jane had also described some excellent, very positive dreams she’d had last night, containing clear instances in which she’d been walking normally. I’d been in them. I took the dreams as a very good sign. If Seth came through, I said, I’d like him to comment on her reading difficulties, the dreams, and the two leg wounds.

(Jane also said she likes my word, “dehypnosis,” which I’d mentioned in the last session. I explained what I meant by it. I also went over the two previous sessions in this new batch with her. Her eating had improved considerably also since the sessions began, although I’ve seen indications of this before the sessions started. She finally managed to read portions of yesterday’s session, on a second try. And all the time she kept rotating her arms, like a children’s game. The flexing of the joints in her shoulders was especially noticeable—they moved like they were made of rubber, I told her, and she agreed that they felt fine doing this.

(Even though she said she wanted to try for a session, later in the afternoon, when she started in Jane caught me by surprise. She lay nude on her back, having just finished a cigarette. Her Seth voice wasn’t loud, but it had a lot of quiet energy and a deeper tone that I could feel quite noticeably. We had no interruptions up until first break.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:11. Just as we took our break the routine visits in regard to Jane’s daily vitals began: eye drops, temperature, pulse, blood pressure [120 over 70], taken by LuAnn, Carol, and Lorrie. Jane had a cigarette as the people trooped in and out. The staff was very busy; nobody hung around. I told Jane that if ever we were interrupted during a session not to worry, for I didn’t think anyone would even know what was going on. She agreed. Especially would her glasses help conceal any visual changes accompanying a trance. Jane agreed. Resume at 4:21.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(No sooner had I made my comments about being interrupted during a Seth session than it happened: Carol knocked on the door then came in. Jane stopped easily in mid-delivery. Carol had a name tag for my wife. Each patient is supposed to have one, according to NY State inspectors who are at the hospital this week.

(Carol left the door to 330 open partially when she left, so that hall noises entered to a greater degree. But Jane asked me to read her Seth’s last sentence, then she went back into trance.)

—and so did he (Jane).

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(4:29 PM. It was time to turn Jane on her left side, facing the window. She wanted me to read her the session later.

(From my own notes as the afternoon progressed: Seth’s material on Jane’s dreams was just what I hoped it would be—another sign that her body is awakening, and that it knows what to do and how to do it. I felt great that we were making obvious progress. “If I get improvements this time, I’ll never let them go like I used to do,” Jane said vehemently.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“But don’t bother telling anyone—doctors or anybody else—about any of this,” I said. I was trying to avoid both disappointment and unnecessary confrontations. If her changes keep on, they’ll soon become obvious to all. It’ll be interesting to follow that course of development, I commented. I couldn’t wait. My faith in the body’s innate abilities was reinforced. I had a thousand questions and things to say—but all in good time. “I wonder what we’ll have to show tomorrow?” I asked Jane as I made ready to leave.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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