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TPS7 Deleted Session October 13, 1983 6/34 (18%) drainage Carol rotate flexing inspectors
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session October 13, 1983 4:05 PM Thursday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(At the same time, I was discouraged by the reading thing, although I felt it was connected to Jane’s right leg troubles—the break and the drainage. She’d told me today when I got there at noon that a second drainage spot had opened up on the leg wound, underneath, and that it too was draining. I’d noticed a different type of bandage on her leg. I hoped the second spot marked an effort on the body’s part to increase its speed of healing, and told her this.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now again, that kind of reasoning belongs to the official line of consciousness. (Pause.) That kind of reasoning says that left alone, any condition will worsen. It can be more properly said, however, that the opposite is true. There are millions of cases in which the body has healed itself, and an individual has passed into a disease and out of it without conscious awareness of the situation. When you are fearful you block out possibilities. Instead, Ruburt must open himself to beneficial possibilities, and this session will help in that regard.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

The added drainage is beneficial. The body is ridding itself of “poisons,” and that drainage is beneficial.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(From my own notes as the afternoon progressed: Seth’s material on Jane’s dreams was just what I hoped it would be—another sign that her body is awakening, and that it knows what to do and how to do it. I felt great that we were making obvious progress. “If I get improvements this time, I’ll never let them go like I used to do,” Jane said vehemently.

(We ate supper after I took a nap. Her improvements kept up in rather spectacular fashion—for after supper she was able to rotate and flex her arms and shoulders even better than before. Once again, it was strange indeed to see my wife able to move her body in such a free fashion. Each time she’d rotated her arms this afternoon, she’d done it better than the time before, I told her. I tried to encourage her all I could. I felt surges of hope, and I could tell that she was pleased too.

(“But don’t bother telling anyone—doctors or anybody else—about any of this,” I said. I was trying to avoid both disappointment and unnecessary confrontations. If her changes keep on, they’ll soon become obvious to all. It’ll be interesting to follow that course of development, I commented. I couldn’t wait. My faith in the body’s innate abilities was reinforced. I had a thousand questions and things to say—but all in good time. “I wonder what we’ll have to show tomorrow?” I asked Jane as I made ready to leave.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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