1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 9 1983" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Jane ate an excellent lunch, and had a cigarette by 2:00. I did some mail. At 3:05 she started reading yesterday’s session—and surprised me by doing very well indeed. This was her best effort yet: she marched right along in a perfectly normal way. I was quite impressed—another best for the body. Jane also said she’d never heard anything about the cultures Patty had taken from the ulcer on her knee a couple of weeks ago, so she guessed that meant things were okay there. Of course, we’d never asked, either, and I’d quite forgotten. I told Jane the swelling had decreased some more on her upper right leg and around the knee, which cheered her also.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I wanted to explain something to you that applies not only to the eyes, but to other portions of the body also.
Sometimes Ruburt may show an excellent improvement, as he did reading this afternoon, or a limb may suddenly move in a much freer manner. This is not always an even performance, however. The most favorable improvements point the way for the body’s progress. Performance may be uneven in the meantime, however—until finally the most auspicious improvements do indeed become the normal, natural state of affairs.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
He is, however, passing the gas, and that is excellent. The gas is not building up, in other words. His fear, however, shows that he still has the remnants of old doubts. That can be expected—now and then. Before long, however, he will be much more confident as his own improvements convince him of his body’s overall vitality, and its resurge of excellent health. I am glad to give him such reassurance—and now I bid you a fond and peaceful good evening.
[... 1 paragraph ...]