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TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1983 13/28 (46%) leg sideways rotating wrist left
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 8, 1983 4:46 PM Tuesday

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(Now today Jane had no patches on either her right elbow or her little toes on her left foot. Don’t ask me why. She did well in hydro this morning with the new people. It’s worth noting, also, that she hasn’t taken any Darvoset in the daytime now for some time—a fact easy to forget but quite important.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(After staff had taken her vitals—temperature 96—Jane’s feet started moving. She could feel it in her right leg—she cried out as a muscle spasm ran down the right leg to the toes. She could feel definite changes as the muscles in the doubled-up right leg tried to straighten out, as she put it. Her head and shoulders moved a little.

(4:10. I tried to move her right foot down a bit, to make her more comfortable, but it wouldn’t go. I could feel a lot of resistance, so it’s not ready yet. It must be protective, I said. At the same time, Jane almost cried as the right leg tried to move.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:15. I noticed that the nodules on the knuckles of Jane’s left hand looked like they’d reduced themselves in size a bit. Jane said she’d noticed the effect also, and that in addition the larger swelling on top of her left wrist had also been reduced somewhat. So maybe the body is absorbing those growths, as I’ve been suggesting it can do in my dehypnotizing massages each afternoon.

(4:18. “I let the right leg out just a tiny bit more. I don’t know whether you can tell, but I did,” Jane said. Her left foot moved quite a bit more, rotating.

(4:20. “My back feels fantastic when I do this,” Jane said, “like silk or satin.” She’d started moving it on the bed, along with head motions off the pillow. Rest.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:29. Jane’s left leg moved back and forth sideways, opening up at the groin. Her right leg suddenly started moving sideways also—but only a little comparatively. Yet the motion was noticeable for the first time—good progress, I told Jane. It didn’t last long, but it’s a start—a very important one with the broken leg.

(4:33. Jane pointed out the reduction in swelling of her left wrist bone, as mentioned earlier. She also has more freedom of movement in the wrist. This has slowly been improving.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:38. Jane’s right leg went sideways again a little. Her left leg moved sideways rapidly again. The body is obviously trying itself out—and succeeding.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(4:47 PM. A short but quite energetic session. “Gee, that was some workout, I’ll tell you,” Jane said, referring to her exercises preceding the session, and now her left leg went back and forth rapidly, then her head and shoulders lifted repeatedly.

(Jane did well when I turned her on her left side. After I had a nap, after massaging her limbs with Oil of Olay, she ate another good supper. I read the prayer with her and left at 7:05.

(I called Paul O’Neill at his home to ask him to arrange to take care of Jane’s lower teeth. He said we’d work it out. He is to call back.

(Jane called me last night. Debbie also visited her.)

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