1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 7 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 12/23 (52%) Darlene foot streak leg hydro
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 7, 1983 4:51 PM Monday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(I told Jane the important thing was that the areas hadn’t broken down, and that was what counted. [...] The male nurse who assisted Jane got her on the litter backward, Jane said. [...] In spite of it all things went well, Jane said, though “they” ran the water more heavily than the old staff members did, and Jane said she couldn’t try to move her feet as easily with the increased pressure of the water. Darlene did help return Jane to 330, and showed the others how to put my wife back in bed. I told Jane I supposed it was a good thing that others learned how to handle her; someone could always get sick, or quit, etc., and Jane agreed. [...]


[...] When I got to room 330 I saw that Jane had the patches back on her right elbow and the little toes of her left foot. [...] The staff had also told Jane that it looked like she may develop a sore in a new spot on a shoulder blade, so they’d slapped a dressing there too. I meant to investigate that one when I turned Jane later in the day, but forgot to. [...]


(Then Jane told me that the night nurse, Toni, whom I’ve yet to meet, tried to help her lay on her right side last night, for the first time since she’d broken the leg. Oddly enough, the break didn’t bother Jane, since a pillow was used beneath the leg as a cushion—but, Jane said, her feet did, so she didn’t stay in that position for more than fifteen minutes. [...]


[...] Jane lay with her hands crossed on her chest. [...] “When the right foot moves, the right ankle, then I stop,” Jane said. [...]


(And speaking of secrets, I forgot to tell Jane that although I slept well last night, I took baking soda before going to bed when my stomach began to bother me a bit. I remembered Seth’s material on why the stomach acts up, and ascribed my upset last night to further worry over Jane. [...]


(Jane ate another good supper. [...] As I was getting ready to leave after reading her the prayer at 7:00 PM, Jane said she could feel that she could “take off” with more motions right then. [...]


(All in all, of course, the two episodes cited above only reinforce my feeling—and Jane’s too, I presume, that the only sure way to avoid such mishandlings and limited thinking is to get the hell out of the place. [...]


(After a good lunch, Jane started reading aloud yesterday’s session. [...]


[...] Jane started some rather restrained motions of her head and shoulders. [...]


[...] “It’s all right, don’t worry about the right leg,” Jane said several times as she lifted her left leg and rotated her foot at the ankle gently. [...]

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